Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Education Research

Acculturation Strategies of Chinese University Students in the United States

Download PDF (469 KB) PP. 11 - 24 Pub. Date: February 1, 2020

DOI: 10.22606/jaer.2020.51002


  • Xinying Xing*
    School of Western Studies, Heilongjiang University, China
  • Michael Popp
    Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, USA
  • Heather Price
    Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, USA


Acculturation strategy choices of Chinese students in the U.S. were analyzed in relation to demographic and intercultural contact factors to assess their impact on social adaptation and selfreported anxiety and depression. Integration and marginalization were the most and least common acculturation strategies, respectively. Demographic variables had no statistically significant impact. Rank ordered multinomial logit analysis showed language proficiency and instrumental motivation to learn the language as well as association with U.S. and Chinese cultures to play a significant role. This empirical evidence can help Chinese students with social adaptation, anxiety and depression in the U.S. by providing guidance on how to match students to university programs.


Acculturation strategy, language proficiency, cultural identity, psychosocial adjustment


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