Isaac Scientific Publishing

Annals of Advanced Agricultural Sciences

Estimation of the Genus Bacillus Bacterial Strains Antagonist Properties Against Pathogenic Micromycetes

Download PDF (335.8 KB) PP. 65 - 69 Pub. Date: November 3, 2017

DOI: 10.22606/as.2017.12003


  • Maria Boiko*
    National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 03041, Kyiv, 13, Heroi Oborony St.
  • Mykola Patyka
    National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 03041, Kyiv, 13, Heroi Oborony St.
  • Yuliya Vintskovs’ka
    Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova


The authors have investigated the antagonistic properties of the strains of the g. Bacillus (B. thuringiensis 87/3 – selected in vitro and B. thuringiensis 800– reference strain) concerning the test organism Venturia spp (the apple scab causative agent). The activity of bacteria-antagonists to the test cultures were determined by agar blocks. There are significant changes of the micromycetes morphogenesis under the influence of the strain Bt 87/3, in particular, expression of the lysis specific zones, changes of the density, thickness, the direction of the mycelium growth, and of the inhibition of the conidia germination within 86±0,8– 93±0,9%. The inhibitory effect difference in the degree of the B. thuringiensis strains cultural liquid was shown on the test cultures Fusarium spp. from ─ 54.0±0,4 to 60.0±0,7%. The metabolites of spore-forming bacteria, besides the entomocidal activity against phytophages have appeared to be of considerable interest as for the microbial interaction and as the basis of the preparations of the multifunctional actions. Those metabolites present selective activity and do not brake the natural biocoenosis.


Bacillus thuringiensis, antagonistic activity, phytopathogenic micromycetes, bacteriaantagonist, preparations.


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